My Father is a good and kind God. He has told us clearly the path we will travel these last days before his second coming. The journey has begun.

These are the some of the signs in the last days..bad weather, trouble in the middle east; a disrespect toward our Father and his children.

When the Governor of Texas had a prayer group.. he was mocked. My father made a correction.

We are responsible for our journey through this world.

We need to wake up to the ring of fire..planet earth... and read God's word and accept him as our loving father.

The most important event to know is that Satan... in a super natural form will appear to save the world. Do not be fooled by him and follow him. You will know him by his sweet kindness for he imitates God. Know that if we are still in our flesh bodies during this time..he is Satan. God will appear on the 7th Trump and we will instantly be in our spiritual bodies.

Read the letter from God known as the Bible. Know the truth. Do not mock God and those who love God. This is the world created by our Father who will give you a choice to spend eternity with Father or have your soul blotted out. Your choice during experiencing the ring of fire on planet earth that will become more powerful until God appears for the final battle with evil.

Pray..pray... for our troubled world and lost souls in these last days. May God's children show him sweet savour.

Jesus will walk with us.


Hebrews 13:5

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