Happy Fathers Day

Today from my soul I send a beautiful white rose to my earth father in Heaven with Jesus' blessing.

If I could step onto my timeline of life and visit my dad again it would go like this.

He would be sitting in a big chair watching a sports game. He would have a cup of coffee and verbalize freely about the action of the game and players.

I as a child would enter the room and his eyes would light up. He would motion for me to climb onto his lap. I would snuggle closely to him and place my head on his chest to hear his heart beat. I would smell the coffee on his breath. I would feel such love for my daddy. I felt safe and loved in only the way my father cared for me.

At age 70 I know I will see dad soon in Heaven because he loved Jesus. We only see those family members who love Jesus...no memory of those who do not love Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

So dad a shout of love to you and a thank you for being a loving father.

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