
Today I have spent the morning hours watching the reviews of the 9/11 tragedy. I wept for the lost ones, their family members and friends.

I recall very clearly where I was when I saw the first plane slice into the tower. I also remember where I was when I first heard of Kennedy's assassination. Strange how the mind imprints these tragedies.

I was a flight attendant with Eastern Airlines before my marriage. I knew a little about flight patterns. As I was getting dressed for my day I suddenly saw this plane go into the tower building. I sat down immediately on my bed with disbelief. What was going on here? Who is flying this plane? I could not believe my eyes. Later another plane and the second tower. Unbelievable.

We lived such isolated lives being a war free zone since the Civil War. Now this attack at our front door...New York City. Later to learn about the Pentagon, and the flight in PA. Soooo frightening and sad.

There were many lessons to learn from this evil day.

Let us place this action in your life when you have revenge and hateful feelings toward someone.

I ask the question who are you attacking with you negativity. What are you doing that could be toward a formerly loved one, equalling an emotional attack. What anger do you have toward someone that would justify such an evil action on someone in your life.

The ones who planned and paid for these attacks against our country was based on revenge and hatred. Evil actions.

How does the person being attack respond? Fall to your knees and give up. Perhaps the passengers on the aircraft who took on the terrorist did the right thing. Fight back. Satan is to be cast away through our Father and all that he possessives.

Only an evil mind would want to place that kind of pain on another. Cast Satan out with the help of Jesus. Also fight back with the help of Jesus.

If you want your name placed in the the Lamb's Book of Life ... change your negative reactions and let God have the revenge. That is his job. Our job is to learn about the horrible events Satan causes in this world..learn the lessons when good versus evil.

When the passenger on the PA flight shouted ..."let's roll". That summed our lesson. Let us fight evil until we go home to our Father. We will do the leg work until Father returns for us.

The longer I live on this little blue planet it is clear to me God is in charge...not me. However: I am his child and he will protect me. I am not a door mat...I will roll. God doesn't like it when his children are attacked.

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