Many Fathers

In this world I have to look back and see the blessings that life has given me.

Three fathers.

My blood father was a kind and generous man. He was devoted to me. I was GP'S daughter. He provided for me a good childhood. He was always there for me. He was not perfect. On many levels I could have been judgemental and resentful. Blood is thicker than water. He was bloodline. He gave me love.

My stepfather was a generous man who taught me to be patient. He showed me how to love animals...especially a parakeet that he had trained to do many tricks. He loved my mother and was faithful to her. He taught me that men could be dependable. He was funny, kind and protective. He gave me love

Jesus the Christ is my third true father. He stayed with me through out my life even when I turned my back on him and leaned into the ways of the world. His one demand is that I love him beyond all others and follow his word. This I willingly accept and plan to spend eternity loving him.

In heaven I will be with my earth fathers too. Where true love prevails.

The lesson is there are places for many fathers in our lives. Don't cut yourself off from their love and gifts.

In truth there is only one Father who created our souls that are designed to live in eternity...if you accept him and not hold grudges.

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